FWU Journal of Social Sciences, Fall 2021, Vol.15, No.4
1. China_s Involvement in Afghanistan Since 2014
2. Twenty-First Century Competencies
3. Statistical Package for Social Sciences Acceptance
4. The Counting Approach to Multidimensional Poverty
5. Discovering Mechanisms of Changes during
6. Exploring Citizens Motives influencing the satisfaction
7. Conceptualization of time in Pashto language
8. A Comparative Study of the Lexical Differences in Speech
9. Influence of Religiosity on Consumers Buying Intentions
10. Politico-Economic Implications of CPEC on Pakistan
11. Use of Narcotics in Pakistan
12 Effect of Using Computer Assisted Instructions[2943]-1-3
13 Islamising Pakistan The Constitutional Contours-1_compressed